Keeping Kosher in Nashville
Keeping Kosher in Nashville
Nashville offers ready access to kosher food, particularly within three miles of Congregation Sherith Israel.
Several grocery stores carry fresh kosher poultry and meats including Kroger of Belle Meade, Traders Joes, and Whole Foods (poultry only). In addition, Kroger of Belle Meade has an extensive Kosher section. Nashville has several kosher restaurants under our Hashgacha, the Nashville Kosher Commision (NKC).
Fresh, innovative Indian cuisine at moderate prices, along with an extensive selection of south and north Indian dishes. Kosher Dairy, NKC.
Copper Branch ( is a new kosher vegan restaurant located downtown in the same building as the Nashville Public Library. NKC. Pareve.
Kosher fleishig food truck on the Vanderbilt Campus featuring a variety of sandwiches. Open 12-1:30, 5-7:30 M-Th, and 12-2 on Sundays, during the school semester. Available for delivery via the UberEats app. Call (520) 425-6411 or check out
Nashville’s oldest vegetarian and first certified* kosher restaurant is located on the campus of Vanderbilt University and is part of the school’s meal plan. The café is open to all and is located inside the Ben Shulman Center for Jewish Life and there is some parking making it accessible to non-university people. ( NKC.
Located at the Farmers Market, Vegan Tacos, open for lunch daily. NKC, Pareve.
Meat, Chicken, Cheese and Other Kosher-Certified Grocery Items:
Food Lion on Bell Road currently has the largest selection of kosher products, from dry goods, to fresh and frozen meats and cheeses.
Kroger’s in Belle Meade carries fresh kosher chicken, meat, cheese and dairy products, kosher goods and wine.
Trader Joe’s in Green Hills carries fresh kosher poultry, meat, and challah. TJ's also stocks kosher wines.
Griller’s Pride (, based in Atlanta, has an extensive array of frozen kosher meat, chicken, and prepared foods and delivers to Nashville approximately every 5-6 weeks. Overnight special delivery can also be arranged. Griller’s Pride also offers extensive Kosher-for-Passover items in season.
Grow and Behold (, based in New Jersey, has an extensive array of premium kosher beef, veal, lamb, poultry and cheeses. There is a Buying Club in Nashville that receives delivery approximately every six weeks.
Baked Goods
Nothing Bundt Cakes, located on White Bridge Road, offers kosher dairy bundt cakes. NKC
Pralines by Leon (downtown Nashville) - NKC
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Shop on Thompson Lane - Certified Kosher from Dec 1 - Jan 1 NKC
Kosher Wines & Liqueurs
Kosher wines are available at many local liquor stores, most notably:
The Wine Chap (Belle Meade, next to Publix)
Red (Bellevue)
Grand Cru (Sylvan Park)
The Wine Shoppe at Green Hills (Grace's Plaza, between Trader Joe's and Whole Foods)
Mr. Whiskers (White Bridge Road)
Total Wine & More (Brentwood)
Sova/Take-Away Caterers ( regularly caters events out of the Sherith Israel kitchens under Rabbi Strosberg's supervision.
Goldie Shepard (615-305-9438) caters Shabbat dinners and Passover meals for Vanderbilt Hillel and caters events out of the Sherith Israel kitchens under Rabbi Strosberg's supervision.
Kosher Hotel (or Hospital) Meals
Sova Caterers prepares kosher meals using the Sherith Israel kitchens under Rabbi Strosberg’s supervision that can be served at hotels or restaurants with a week lead time.
Hospital Meals: Contact Rabbi Strosberg to arrange kosher meals during a stay at any of the area hospitals.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit (Tues/Wed/Fri) : 6:30am |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:50pm |
Torah Study w/ Moreh Nechemya : 8:00pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
Shacharit (Mon/Thurs) : 6:25am |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:50pm |
Friday Night
Mincha/Maariv : 6:45pm |
Candle Lighting : 6:48pm |
Shabbat Day
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Mincha : 6:30pm |
Havdalah : 7:45pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Apr 12 |
Apr 13 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 6:48pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 7:45pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Zmanim (ritual times)
Alot Hashachar | 5:26am |
Earliest Tallit | 5:56am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:43am |
Latest Shema | 9:47am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:50am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:53pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:24pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:30pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:47pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 7:04pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 7:42pm |
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